
Frequently Asked Questions

Is Los Algodones Safe?

Los Alogodones is safer than many other cities. It is a small quiant town, with a tight knit community. It is patrolled continuously with tourist police, and almost everyone speaks english. It is an arms open welcoming town. The town does not tolerate delinquency.

Will Dentists prescribe medicine?

The Doctors at Dental Specialist Clinic are all authorized to prescribe many types of medicine available for dental treatment, including antibiotics and pain medicines.

How Dentists fix a cracked or chipped tooth?

Depending on the damage to the tooth, many options exist to fix the damage. It can range from a simple filling, a veneer, or if necessary a crown. It is all dependent on the damage incurred. Rest assured that you can save up to 70% of the average cost from the U.S. here at Dental Specialist Clinic. We provide free examinations, diagnosis, quotes, and dental plans to fit your budget.

Are mexican dentists ADA members?

Many dental clinics and dentists in Mexico are certified and accredited by international organizations like the American Dental Association. Many dentists are members of ADM, Association of Mexican Dentists (equivalent to the ADA).

Will a Dentist know if I smoke weed?

The primary concern of Dentists is your oral health, not lifestyle choices. It is inconsequential if you are a user. However, realize that under any circumstances one should NOT cross the international border with marijuana, as it is illegal and a criminal offense.

Can I get a dental implant in mexico?

Here at Dental Specialist Clinic we specialize in Dental Implants. We only use name brand Implants which assure us a high rate of success. We offer all treatment services involved with an implant at affordable costs. We provide a free examination to evaluate your status as an implant candidate.

What are early signs of dental trouble?

Schedule an appointment with us if you have any of these issues: soreness, Jaw pain, Sores in Mouth, Swollen face or gums, Sensitive tooth or teeth, Cracked or Broken teeth, Bleeding gums, Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth. Getting checked out right away helps prevent more serious problems and possible infections.

Are there alternatives to Dentures?

Dentures are only one way to restore a mouth that has little or non-repairable teeth. Implants offer various options. Implants can be used to support permanent or snap-on bridges, eliminating the need for a denture. Implants and bridges closely resemble the “feel” of real teeth. Dental implants are becoming the alternative of choice to dentures, but not everyone is a candidate for implants. Call us to schedule an appointment for a free evaluation.

What to do in Los Algodones?

Los Algodones is as town with many with indoor and outdoor restuarant venues and typical mexican food. A sportsbook casino and serveral liquour stores can be patronized. The town has several hotels with pools. Several cantinas offer their services as well and a venue where mexican artists provide live music. Curio vendors are located all along the sidewalks with many artisan wares. Both Jewelry, leather products, iron wood sculptures and a host of other items can be found. Several Beauty salons and Health Spas can be visited.

How far away is Los Algodones from Yuma, AZ?

Los Algodones is only 15 minutes away from Yuma AZ.